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Showing all 100 results

(Forced) Movement: Across the Aegean Archipelago

(Forced) Movement: Across the Aegean Archipelago

140 Artists' Ideas for Planet Earth

140 Artists’ Ideas for Planet Earth

A History of Ancient Greece in Fifty Lives

A History of Ancient Greece in Fifty Lives

A History of Witchcraft: Sorcerers, Heretics & Pagans

A History of Witchcraft: Sorcerers, Heretics & Pagans

A Liveable Future is Possible

A Liveable Future is Possible

A Strange Adventure

A Strange Adventure

A Vast, Pointless Gyration of Radioactive Rocks and Gas in Which You Happen to Occur

A Vast, Pointless Gyration of Radioactive Rocks and Gas in Which You Happen to Occur

After Institutions (Critic's Essay Series)

After Institutions (Critic’s Essay Series)

Ancient Magic in Greece and Rome: A Hands-on Guide

Ancient Magic in Greece and Rome: A Hands-on Guide

Architectures of Healing: Cure through sleep, touch, and travel

Architectures of Healing: Cure through sleep, touch, and travel

Art Monsters

Art Monsters

Bodies of Extraction: Underneath the Ground of Islands

Bodies of Extraction: Underneath the Ground of Islands

Care Where No One Does: A Grassroots-style Guide to Progressive Cultural Production, Anticipating Neoliberal to National Conserv

Care Where No One Does: A Grassroots-style Guide to Progressive Cultural Production, Anticipating Neoliberal to National Conserv

Catherine Taylor: Image Text Music

Catherine Taylor: Image Text Music

Compendium of the Occult: Arcane Artifacts, Magic Rituals, and Sacred Symbolism

Compendium of the Occult: Arcane Artifacts, Magic Rituals, and Sacred Symbolism

Cookie Mueller: Fan Mail, Frank Letters and Crank Calls

Cookie Mueller: Fan Mail, Frank Letters and Crank Calls

Cookie Mueller: Garden of Ashes

Cookie Mueller: Garden of Ashes

Curating Ecologies on Architecture

Curating Ecologies on Architecture

Cyberfeminism Index

Cyberfeminism Index

Designerly Ways of Knowing: A Working Inventory of Things a Designer Should Know

Designerly Ways of Knowing: A Working Inventory of Things a Designer Should Know

Do We Have to Work? A primer for the 21st century

Do We Have to Work? A primer for the 21st century

Dodie Bellamy: Feminine Hijinx

Dodie Bellamy: Feminine Hijinx

Does Monogamy Work? A Primer for the 21st Century (The Big Idea Series)

Does Monogamy Work? A Primer for the 21st Century (The Big Idea Series)

e-flux Index #3

e-flux Index #3

Efthimis Filippou: NOON

Efthimis Filippou: NOON

Elements: Chaos, order and the five elemental forces

Elements: Chaos, order and the five elemental forces

Encounters with Artists

Encounters with Artists

Enrique Vila-Matas: Insistence as a Fine Art

Enrique Vila-Matas: Insistence as a Fine Art

Epicurus: Being Happy

Epicurus: Being Happy

Food Rules

Food Rules

Forgive Us Our Trespasses

Forgive Us Our Trespasses

Free Love Paid Love: Expressions of Affection in Mykonos

Free Love Paid Love: Expressions of Affection in Mykonos

Fringe of the Fringe: Queering Punk Media History

Fringe of the Fringe: Queering Punk Media History

Glossary of Cognitive Activism (For a Not-So-Distant Future)

Glossary of Cognitive Activism (For a Not-So-Distant Future)

Hands on Research for Artists, Designers & Educators

Hands on Research for Artists, Designers & Educators

Hannah Arendt: The Freedom to Be Free

Hannah Arendt: The Freedom to Be Free

High Society: Mind-Altering Drugs in History and Culture

High Society: Mind-Altering Drugs in History and Culture

How To Survive After Art School? (Comment survivre apres l’ecole d’art?)

How To Survive After Art School? (Comment survivre apres l’ecole d’art?)



Instructional Photography: Learning How to Live Now

Instructional Photography: Learning How to Live Now

Is Gender Fluid? A Primer for the 21st Century

Is Gender Fluid? A Primer for the 21st Century

Is Masculinity Toxic?: A Primer for the 21st Century

Is Masculinity Toxic?: A Primer for the 21st Century

Islands After Tourism: Escaping the Monocultures of Leisure

Islands After Tourism: Escaping the Monocultures of Leisure

James Hall on the Self-Portrait

James Hall on the Self-Portrait

Joe Brainard: I Remember

Joe Brainard: I Remember

Jorge Luis Borges: The Perpetual Race of Achilles and the Tortoise

Jorge Luis Borges: The Perpetual Race of Achilles and the Tortoise

Judith Butler: Who's Afraid of Gender?

Judith Butler: Who’s Afraid of Gender?

Linda Nochlin on the Body

Linda Nochlin on the Body

Lucy R. Lippard on Pop Art

Lucy R. Lippard on Pop Art

Material Cultures: Material Reform

Material Cultures: Material Reform

McKenzie Wark: Life Story

McKenzie Wark: Life Story

Monogamous Mind, Polyamorous Terror

Monogamous Mind, Polyamorous Terror

Monumental Graffiti: Tracing Public Art and Resistance in the City

Monumental Graffiti: Tracing Public Art and Resistance in the City

Movements in Art Since 1945 (World of Art)

Movements in Art Since 1945 (World of Art)

Naomi Klein: Doppelganger - A Trip Into the Mirror World

Naomi Klein: Doppelganger – A Trip Into the Mirror World

New Document

New Document

No Need To Hunt — We Just Wait For The Roadkill

No Need To Hunt — We Just Wait For The Roadkill

Octavia E. Butler: A Few Rules for Predicting the Future - An Essay

Octavia E. Butler: A Few Rules for Predicting the Future – An Essay

Off Track: Art and philosophy as triggers for system change

Off Track: Art and philosophy as triggers for system change

One Swallow Does Not Make a Summer

One Swallow Does Not Make a Summer

Philip Guston: I Paint What I Want to See

Philip Guston: I Paint What I Want to See

Philosophy of the Home: Domestic Space and Happiness

Philosophy of the Home: Domestic Space and Happiness

Poor Artists

Poor Artists



Promises, Then the Storm: Notes on Memory, Protest, and the Israel–Gaza War

Promises, Then the Storm: Notes on Memory, Protest, and the Israel–Gaza War

Provocations on Media Architecture

Provocations on Media Architecture

Public Health in Crisis: Confined in the Aegean Archipelago

Public Health in Crisis: Confined in the Aegean Archipelago

Raymond Pettibon, Mike Topp:The Frontier Index

Raymond Pettibon, Mike Topp:The Frontier Index

Resistance To Christianity: A Chronological Encyclopaedia of Heresy from the Beginning to the Eighteenth Century

Resistance To Christianity: A Chronological Encyclopaedia of Heresy from the Beginning to the Eighteenth Century

SCUM Μανιφέστο

SCUM Μανιφέστο

Should All Drugs Be Legalized? A primer for the 21st century

Should All Drugs Be Legalized? A primer for the 21st century

Stage of Recovery

Stage of Recovery

Stephen Fry: Mythos

Stephen Fry: Mythos

Surrealists in New York: Atelier 17 and the Birth of Abstract Expressionism

Surrealists in New York: Atelier 17 and the Birth of Abstract Expressionism

Susan Sontag: On Women

Susan Sontag: On Women

Tainted Love: From Nina Simone to Kendrick Lamar

Tainted Love: From Nina Simone to Kendrick Lamar

Tender and Toxic Tales

Tender and Toxic Tales

The Architect is Absent: Approaching the Cycladic Holiday House

The Architect is Absent: Approaching the Cycladic Holiday House

The Autonomy of Art Is Ordinary: Notes in Defense of an Idea of Emancipation

The Autonomy of Art Is Ordinary: Notes in Defense of an Idea of Emancipation

The Avant-Gardists: Artists in Revolt in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union 1917-1935

The Avant-Gardists: Artists in Revolt in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union 1917-1935

The Beach Machine: Making and Operating the Mediterranean Coastline

The Beach Machine: Making and Operating the Mediterranean Coastline

The Contemporary Condition: Challenging Institutionalization

The Contemporary Condition: Challenging Institutionalization

The Greek and Roman Myths: A Guide to the Classical Stories

The Greek and Roman Myths: A Guide to the Classical Stories

The Greek Myths That Shape the Way We Think

The Greek Myths That Shape the Way We Think

The Need for Roots

The Need for Roots

The Outsider: Manga Edition

The Outsider: Manga Edition

The Sleeping Hermaphrodite: Waking up from a Lethargic Confinement

The Sleeping Hermaphrodite: Waking up from a Lethargic Confinement

The Story of Contemporary Art

The Story of Contemporary Art

To μανιφέστο των σάιμποργκ

To μανιφέστο των σάιμποργκ

Urban Lament: Collective Expressions of Pain, Rage, and Affection

Urban Lament: Collective Expressions of Pain, Rage, and Affection

Warhol: A Life as Art

Warhol: A Life as Art

Ways of Being: Animals, Plants, Machines: The Search for a Planetary Intelligence

Ways of Being: Animals, Plants, Machines: The Search for a Planetary Intelligence

Ways of Seeing

Ways of Seeing

Η ριζοσπαστικότητα της αγάπης

Η ριζοσπαστικότητα της αγάπης

Μετά το ίντερνετ

Μετά το ίντερνετ

Πουτάνες στον αγώνα

Πουτάνες στον αγώνα

Πως να κλέψεις ένα βιβλίο

Πως να κλέψεις ένα βιβλίο

Της οθόνης οι κολασμένες

Της οθόνης οι κολασμένες

Το καρνέ μιας εταίρας

Το καρνέ μιας εταίρας

Το κεφάλαιο πέθανε

Το κεφάλαιο πέθανε
