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New Document
€ 18.00
New Document is not new. It’s not a manifesto nor a bible. It’s not made with images. It’s not on our work. It’s not about something certain. It’s not final. It’s not without thoughts and feelings. New Document is an automatic writing exercise against and with the Standards and Orders that inhibit and surround us. An attempt to think with the perilous Organization of words. It’s an exquisite corpse by default shaped randomly in symbiosis with texts of Typical guest authors: Lefteris Kaltsas, Vasilis Marmatakis, Jorn Olsthoorn, Florent Frizet, Konstantina Yannakopoulou, Momus, Celine Pevrier, Stratis Vogiatzis, Elena Demetra Chantzis, Hannes Livers Gutberlet, Ella Villaumie, Tristan Bera, Iris Touliatou and Sofia Zerva.
Publisher sun/sun editions
Pages: 320
Material: softcover
ISBN: 9791095233473
Categories: critical theory/writing, sociology/media
Dimensions: 11.4 × 18 cm
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