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Showing all 72 results


“We Started a Nightclub”: The Birth of the Pyramid Cocktail Lounge as Told by Those Who Lived It

[UN]FINISHED Atlas of Athens’ Incomplete Buildings - A Story of Hidden Antimonuments

[UN]FINISHED Atlas of Athens’ Incomplete Buildings – A Story of Hidden Antimonuments

37 Ιστορίες Αθηναϊκών Πολυκατοικιών

37 Ιστορίες Αθηναϊκών Πολυκατοικιών

A Strange Adventure

A Strange Adventure

About Face: Stonewall, Revolt, and New Queer Art

About Face: Stonewall, Revolt, and New Queer Art

Against Ageism: A Queer Manifesto

Against Ageism: A Queer Manifesto

Aristide Antonas: Archipelago of Protocols

Aristide Antonas: Archipelago of Protocols

At Home: Alice Neel in the Queer World

At Home: Alice Neel in the Queer World

Atlas of Performing Culture

Atlas of Performing Culture

Atlas of Urban Mythologies

Atlas of Urban Mythologies

Bodies of Extraction: Underneath the Ground of Islands

Bodies of Extraction: Underneath the Ground of Islands

Builders, Housewives and the Construction of Modern Athens

Builders, Housewives and the Construction of Modern Athens

Care Where No One Does: A Grassroots-style Guide to Progressive Cultural Production, Anticipating Neoliberal to National Conserv

Care Where No One Does: A Grassroots-style Guide to Progressive Cultural Production, Anticipating Neoliberal to National Conserv

Casa Susanna: The Story of the First Trans Network in the United States 1959-1968

Casa Susanna: The Story of the First Trans Network in the United States 1959-1968

Colour and Culture: Practice and Meaning from Antiquity to Abstraction

Colour and Culture: Practice and Meaning from Antiquity to Abstraction



Cyberfeminism Index

Cyberfeminism Index

Debauched: Witchery and Devilry Vol. 2 (2nd Spell)

Debauched: Witchery and Devilry Vol. 2 (2nd Spell)

Digital Art: World of Art series

Digital Art: World of Art series

e-flux Index #3

e-flux Index #3

Elements: Chaos, order and the five elemental forces

Elements: Chaos, order and the five elemental forces

Family Style #2: Objects of Affection

Family Style #2: Objects of Affection

Fear & Love: Reactions to a Complex World

Fear & Love: Reactions to a Complex World

For Promotional Use Only

For Promotional Use Only

Forgive Us Our Trespasses

Forgive Us Our Trespasses

Fracture: Japanese Graphic Design 1875–1975

Fracture: Japanese Graphic Design 1875–1975

Free Love Paid Love: Expressions of Affection in Mykonos

Free Love Paid Love: Expressions of Affection in Mykonos

Fusion!: From Alice Coltrane to Moor Mother

Fusion!: From Alice Coltrane to Moor Mother

Goddesses and Heroines: Women of Myth and Legend

Goddesses and Heroines: Women of Myth and Legend

Hands on Research for Artists, Designers & Educators

Hands on Research for Artists, Designers & Educators

Havana Modern: Critical Readings in Cuban Architecture

Havana Modern: Critical Readings in Cuban Architecture

He/She/They: How We Talk About Gender and Why It Matters

He/She/They: How We Talk About Gender and Why It Matters

Internet_Art: From the Birth of the Web to the Rise of NFTs

Internet_Art: From the Birth of the Web to the Rise of NFTs

Islands After Tourism: Escaping the Monocultures of Leisure

Islands After Tourism: Escaping the Monocultures of Leisure

John Boardman on the Parthenon

John Boardman on the Parthenon

Kinfolk #54: The Party Issue

Kinfolk #54: The Party Issue

Memesthetics: The Eternal September of Art

Memesthetics: The Eternal September of Art

Monogamous Mind, Polyamorous Terror

Monogamous Mind, Polyamorous Terror

Monumental Graffiti: Tracing Public Art and Resistance in the City

Monumental Graffiti: Tracing Public Art and Resistance in the City

Nataliya Vitorovich: You Ate My Ears

Nataliya Vitorovich: You Ate My Ears

New Document

New Document

Object Logos

Object Logos

Off Track: Art and philosophy as triggers for system change

Off Track: Art and philosophy as triggers for system change

Our Selves: Photographs by Women Artists

Our Selves: Photographs by Women Artists

Playgirl: The Official History of a Cult Magazine

Playgirl: The Official History of a Cult Magazine

Promises, Then the Storm: Notes on Memory, Protest, and the Israel–Gaza War

Promises, Then the Storm: Notes on Memory, Protest, and the Israel–Gaza War

Provocations on Media Architecture

Provocations on Media Architecture

Rough Version: The NTS Interviews With Francesca Gavin, 2016-2021

Rough Version: The NTS Interviews With Francesca Gavin, 2016-2021

Signals: How Video Transformed the World

Signals: How Video Transformed the World

Sissy Bundle

Sissy Bundle

Sissy: Riot was a dancer

Sissy: Riot was a dancer





Steve: A Framework for AI and Identity Design

Steve: A Framework for AI and Identity Design

Strikethrough: Typographic Messages of Protest

Strikethrough: Typographic Messages of Protest

Tender and Toxic Tales

Tender and Toxic Tales

The Avant-Gardists: Artists in Revolt in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union 1917-1935

The Avant-Gardists: Artists in Revolt in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union 1917-1935

The Beach Machine: Making and Operating the Mediterranean Coastline

The Beach Machine: Making and Operating the Mediterranean Coastline

The crafts of fashion 2: Geographies

The crafts of fashion 2: Geographies

The Delos Symposia and Doxiadis

The Delos Symposia and Doxiadis

The Sleeping Hermaphrodite: Waking up from a Lethargic Confinement

The Sleeping Hermaphrodite: Waking up from a Lethargic Confinement

There’s Nothing New Under the Sun

There’s Nothing New Under the Sun

To μανιφέστο των σάιμποργκ

To μανιφέστο των σάιμποργκ

Urban Lament: Collective Expressions of Pain, Rage, and Affection

Urban Lament: Collective Expressions of Pain, Rage, and Affection

Velvet Terrorism: Pussy Riot's Russia

Velvet Terrorism: Pussy Riot’s Russia

Visual Cultures as World-Forming

Visual Cultures as World-Forming

Έξοδος από την πραγματικότητα

Έξοδος από την πραγματικότητα

Κανένα όριο ταχύτητας

Κανένα όριο ταχύτητας

Μετά το ίντερνετ

Μετά το ίντερνετ

Της οθόνης οι κολασμένες

Της οθόνης οι κολασμένες

Το καρνέ μιας εταίρας

Το καρνέ μιας εταίρας

Χτίστες, νοικοκυρές και η οικοδόμηση της σύγχρονης Αθήνας

Χτίστες, νοικοκυρές και η οικοδόμηση της σύγχρονης Αθήνας
