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Slanted #42 – Books
€ 24.00
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Slanted #42—BOOKS is an issue about books. Every day we wonder if the future of the (printed) book is tied to its sensual quality? How can beautiful books secure their place in the media and society? How are content, medium, and form connected? Is manufacturing and design quality, in addition to its functionality, just to be understood as a marketing argument?In this issue Slanted presents experimental design strategies—books that go unconventional ways—in contrast to classical books. They are looking for accidents, work that is based on mistakes and inaccuracy, cutting edge approaches, as well as new experimental procedures, from processing to AI-generated content. In opposition, it presents timeless book designs, where content dictates form.
Publisher Slanted Publishers UG
Pages: 256
Material: softcover
ISBN: 9783948440558
Categories: graphic design
Dimensions: 16 × 24 cm
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