Janus Femzine 3

Janus Femzine 3


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The new issue of Janus femzine consists of images created by Irini Karayannopoulou, with the contribution of AI and texts by journalist Efie Falida (Ta Nea newspaper). In the Aphrodisiac Intelligence issue, the artist creates her raw material from scratch, using algorithm and data.On the occasion of these images, journalist Efie Falida invents a scenario around the new reality of digital presence. The combination of image and speech results in an art edition dedicated to the invasion of machines and to the excitement but also the concern it causes us. This charming game between words, imagination, but also machine training, is only one of two sides of the same coin. As Efie Falida writes, “You have to create the conditions for the surprise and then accept the consequences. In the 1970s there were two magazines named Janus. One focused on poetry and science fiction and was published in Madison, Wisconsin by a group of feminists. The other Janus was London based and had erotic, s&m content. Irini Karayannopoulou was inspired by both of these publications to create her own Janus, as a self-published edition in 150 copies, challenging and commenting on the stereotypical notions surrounding femininity and its roles. Each issue of Janus results from the collaboration of the artist and a guest writer. Janus femzine no3 was launched in Hydra on the occasion of Irini’s solo exhibition with Polana Institute.

Author: Irini Karayannopoulou, Efie Falida
Pages: 20
Dimensions: 15.4 × 22 cm