Conjuring the Spirit World: Art, Magic, and Mediums

Conjuring the Spirit World: Art, Magic, and Mediums


The human desire to connect with the dead since the mid-19th century gave rise to a fascination with the supernatural and the magical. Mediums and magicians from Harry Houdini, Margery the Medium, Howard Thurston, and the Fox Sisters offered “communication” with the departed at seances and magic shows, two interrelated forms of popular culture that relied heavily on illusions and stagecraft.


This is the first illustrated volume to gather the art and objects that made medium and magician performances iconic during the Spiritualism movement and beyond, a time when people actively debated and wondered, “can spirits return?” An international selection of paintings, photographs, posters, stage apparatuses, film, publications, and other objects reveal how audiences were entranced and mystified by these experiential performances, captivating willing believers and garnering skeptics as they navigated the intersecting realms of science and spirituality. From the origins of the iconic Oujia board to spirit photography, this book is a treasure trove.

Publisher Rizzoli Electa
Pages: 144
Material: hardcover
ISBN: 9780847828241
Dimensions: 21 × 27 cm