Search History

Search History


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Search History is a cruise through writer Sam Moore’s internet browsing log, a horny examination of the web as a site for self-exploration and becoming. Over nine essays, Moore navigates messy digital and social realms, taking direction from influences as broad-ranging as Kenneth Anger, Madonna and John Wayne. It’s a testament to how queerness is made from strange, unexpected amalgams of personal, cultural and textual material. ‘Spend enough time being queer on the internet, and you’ll see things written on blogs or posted to Instagram stories that try to make the case that simply living while being queer is a revolutionary act. I want to think there’s some truth to it.’ – Sam Moore. Sam Moore is a writer and one of the founding editors of Third Way Press. Their first book, All My Teachers Died of AIDS, was published by Pilot Press in 2020.

Author Sam Moore
Pages: 104
Material: softcover
ISBN: 9781739987411
Dimensions: 11.4 × 17.8 cm