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ToiletMiles PaperAldridge
€ 27.00
The new special Toilet Paper edition, in collaboration with British artist-photographer Miles Aldridge.
Following the success of ToiletMartin PaperParr and ToiletAlex PaperPrager, ToiletMiles PaperAldridge is the third magazine collaboration from Toiletpaper duo Maurizio Cattelan and Pierpaolo Ferrari.
British photographer Miles Aldridge has developed an editorial style that is both couture and chromatic but also surreal. He is in?uenced by the ?lms of Federico Fellini and David Lynch and the photography of Richard Avedon, as well as the album covers and book designs created by his father, Alan Aldridge.
As one of Aldridge’s own inspirations, David Lynch, once said of his work: “Miles sees a color-coordinated, graphically pure, hard-edged reality.” This latest issue of Toiletpaper sequences a selection of Aldridge’s glamorous and elaborate mise-en-scene images in a palette of vibrant acidic hues.
Publisher Damiani
Pages: 40
Material: softcover
ISBN: 9788862088374
Categories: art, photography
Dimensions: 23 × 29 cm
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