Sian Davey: The Garden

Sian Davey: The Garden


Starting in 2020, British photographer Sian Davey transformed her abandoned garden for three summers into a living space, filled with wildflowers, birdsong and people.


With her son Luke, Sian Davey cultivated a space rooted in love. They sought out native flowers and encouraged biodiversity, sourcing seeds and plants locally.


When the flowers bloomed, they called on the community. Everyone had a place in the garden: mothers and daughters, loners, outcasts, lovers, the traumatized, the heartbroken and those who had hidden a lifetime of shame. The space became an expression of longing, challenge, joy and interconnection.

Publisher Trolley Books
Pages: 112
Material: hardcover
ISBN: 9781907112713
Dimensions: 26 × 34 cm