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Modern Architecture: A Planetary Warming History
€ 38.00
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Hans Ibelings’s latest publication, Modern Architecture: A Planetary Warming History, is presented as a “rough sketch of a proposed history of modern architecture.” It is a timely concept, given the role that modern buildings, cities, and infrastructure have played in causing the current environmental crisis. There is also no doubt that there is a need for new interpretations of modern architectural history: ones that would augment and challenge the well-worn narratives found in standard texts by writers like Kenneth Frampton and William J.R. Curtis. By drawing from recent literature and trawling through historical case studies, Ibelings attempts to chart a new reading of history that focuses on architecture and planetary warming since the late 18th century.
Author Hans Ibelings
Publisher The Architecture Observer
Pages: 400
Material: softcover
ISBN: 9789492058164
Categories: architecture/interiors, critical theory/writing, science/technology, sustainability/environment
Dimensions: 11.6 × 16 cm
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