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Martino Gamper: Hook Book
€ 36.00
Hook Book – almost 1000 catalogues the indefatigable Italian’s recent focus on – well, the clue is in the title. It is a beautiful object in itself, designed by Åbäke and bearing all the hallmarks of the design studio’s playful sophistication. In a glorious panoply of papers and printing techniques, Gamper’s thousand-odd (and sometimes they are odd) hooks are laid bare. The sheer range is mind-boggling in itself. Each hook is a minor feat; together, the collection presents as a taxonomy of materials and processes – a single archetype extrapolated into smithereens.
Author Martino Gamper
Publisher Dent De Leone
Pages: 543
Material: softcover
ISBN: 9781907908880
Categories: design
Dimensions: 11.5 × 19 cm
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