Dictionary Stories
Dictionary Stories
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Dictionary Stories


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Dictionary Stories is now included in MoMA’s special collection of artists’ books entitled the Museum of Modern Art / Franklin Furnace / Artists’ Books Collection. “Dictionary Stories” is a collection of 13 stories that are crafted exclusively by using sample sentences and illustrations sourced from dictionaries worldwide. Stories by: John Batten, Jonathan Burt, Justin Cooper, Karishma D’Souza, Bruno Dias, Adele Eisenstein, Pedro Lagoa, Irini Miga, Chiara Picotto, Maria Tsagkari, Joao Vasco Paiva, Anna Rebecca Unterholzner, and Elaine Young. Concept & curation mAgdalen Wong

Author: Irini Miga, John Batten, Jonathan Burt, Justin Cooper, et al.
Publisher: Magdalen Wong
Pages: 96
Material: softcover
Dimensions: 11.1 × 17.3 cm