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Alexandra Bachzetsis: Show Time Book / Book Time Show
€ 45.00
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The practice of Alexandra Bachzetsis unfolds at the intersection of dance, performance, the visual arts and theatre, generating a conflation of the spaces in which the body, as an artistic and critical apparatus, can manifest. On the pages of her first comprehensive monograph, the Greek-Swiss performer, choreographer, and artist stages over two decades of work. The volume contains a wealth of images and includes new essays and contributions by Michel Auder, Julia Born, Hendrik Folkerts, Amelia Jones & Tawny Andersen, Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, Paul B. Preciado, Joke Robaard, Dorota Sajewska, Safiya Sinclair, Adam Szymczyk, and Arnisa Zeqo, among others.
Publisher Roma Publications
Pages: 256
Material: softcover
ISBN: 9789464460414
Categories: art, performance
Dimensions: 22 × 32 cm
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