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300,000 Kisses. Tales of Queer Love from the Ancient World
€ 35.00
Steeped in honey, Juventius,
your golden eyes, and as sweet too
when I press my lips to them –
three hundred thousand kisses
is not close to enough
For centuries, evidence of queer love in the ancient world was ignored or suppressed. Even today, only a few, famous narratives are widely known – yet there’s a rich literary tradition of Greek and Roman love that extends far beyond this handful of stories. Here, the poet Sean Hewitt and painter Luke Edward Hall collect together, for the first time, forty of the most exhilarating queer tales in the classical canon and bring them newly to life. A ground-breaking anthology that changes the way we see the ancient world – and invites us to reflect on the puritanism of our own – 300,000 Kisses is a riotous celebration of desire in all its forms.
Publisher Particular Books
Pages: 208
Material: hardcover
ISBN: 9780241575734
Categories: queer/lgbtqia+, illustration, poetry
Dimensions: 22 × 24 cm
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