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€ 15.00
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This book brings together photographs from all over the world, collected over the course of wanderings on the Web. Between cabinet of personal curiosity and documentary corpus, this book offers a contemporary vision of amateur photography and questions as much about the place, function and sharing of vernacular photography today as about the new social relationships it illustrates. . On the social networks and websites from which these photographs come, the acronym WTF often precedes content to signify the bewilderment it causes. This interjection expresses as much the incomprehension as the discomfort of the “voyeur” faced with these images. Their accumulation highlights the mad rush to share “extra-ordinary” content for an anesthetized public and raises the question of the dilution of meaning.
Author Jean-Marie Donar
Publisher MONTE EN L AIR
Pages: 360
Material: softcover
ISBN: 9791092775341
Categories: miscellaneous, pop culture
Dimensions: 10.1 × 14 cm
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