True Issue 10

True Issue 10


True Photo Journal is a large-format photography journal showcasing unpublished personal projects from established and emerging photographers, with the invitation to ‘experiment, create or revisit’. Unconstrained by commercial focus, it sets different parameters for the creative conversation between publication and contributor.


This latest issue is the magazine’s 10th, and sees it published in hardback for the first time (if not ever, then certainly recently). It opens with a series of beautiful, everyday images by Irina Rozovsky — all taken on her iPhone.


From there, it’s previously unpublished images from Collier Schorr’s latest (beautiful) project, AutoBody, in which the photographer captures intimate portraits of their queer friends and community. Schorr is also in conversation with fellow artist, Elle Perez.

Pages: 244
Material: hardcover
ISBN: 604565910318
Dimensions: 245 × 330 cm