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The World of Interiors April 2024
€ 10.99
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Published under its current moniker since being bought by Conde Nast in 1983, The World of Interiors is a chateau among hovels in the land of glossy interiors magazines.
Its fondness for obscurity and unearthing forgotten architectural treasures in around the globe — along with an unabashed ruin fetish — has earned it cult-like status among many who wouldn’t ordinarily pick up an interiors magazine.
Despite the luxury advertising and ample dose of villas, manors and modernist rarities, there’s always something about the WoI that feels unaffected by the aspirationalism saturating the pages of its peers.
Publisher Conde Nast
Pages: 178
Material: softcover
Categories: architecture/interiors
Dimensions: 21.6 × 28 cm
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