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The Impossibility of Silence: Writing for Designers, Artists & Photographers
€ 20.00
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Ian Lynam’s The Impossibility of Silence is a book for artists, photographers and designers interested in approaching writing about their vocation and culture. Drawing upon decades of experience as a writer, designer, artist and teacher, Lynam offers up a plethora of inspirational and concrete approaches to writing about creative fields. Called “the Hunter S. Thompson of design writing,” Lynam uses his industry knowledge to convey his philosophy on writing specifically in a professional creative setting.
Ian Lynam (born 1972) is faculty and former co-chair at Vermont College of Fine Arts in the MFA Graphic Design program. He writes for Idea, Slanted and Modes of Criticism, is a cofounder of the online journal Neojaponisme and the associated print journal NJP, runs Wordshape, a hybrid type foundry, and is one-half of Corinthians, a Tokyo-based art and design curatorial practice.
Author Ian Lynam
Publisher Set Margins'
Pages: 212
Material: softcover
ISBN: 9789083270685
Categories: critical theory/writing
Dimensions: 10.7 × 17 cm
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