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Purple #43: Tokyo Diary Issue
€ 58.00
For over 30 years, ‘Purple’ magazine has maintained a significant presence in Tokyo, yet it has never dedicated an entire issue to Japan. This 43rd edition serves as an ode to Japan, spotlighting its contemporary culture as a powerful source of radical inspiration in the modern world. The issue shuns all forms of Japonism, as well as any touristic or nostalgic fascination. Rather, it presents an avant-garde, innovative, and decidedly topical perspective on Japan and its far-reaching influence. Get ready for a wild ride through the Japanese metropolis, with contributions from Coco Capitan, Takashi Homma, Olivier Zahm, Ryoko Sekiguchi, Daido Moriyama, Juergen Teller, and many more.
Publisher Purple Institute
Pages: 462
Material: hardcover
Categories: art, fashion, pop culture
Dimensions: 24 × 33 cm
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