Nathalie Du Pasquier: Arrangements 1993-2023
Nathalie Du Pasquier: Arrangements 1993-2023
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Nathalie Du Pasquier: Arrangements 1993-2023


Arrangements 1993-2023 is an exhibition focused on drawings and works on paper made by Nathalie Du Pasquier spanning three decades.While for many artists drawing is primarily understood as a testing ground or blueprint for paintings, in NDP’s case the works on paper are works that stand alone.NDP is averse to linear time and has again chosen to present the works without any chronological or thematic criteria. The show is conceived an archipelago of compositions obtained by juxtaposing drawings that, though born as only children, find themselves coexisting in extended families that enhance their meaning.
She pulled works on paper in different formats out of her drawers, some done in ink, others in colored pencil, and some others in brush, black or color. By synchronizing drawings of various techniques and times, NDP has created new polyphonic works that exist only for the duration of the show. This exhibition is thus a magical place for encounters to take place that could rarely happen elsewhere.

Author: Nathalie Du Pasquier
Pages: 32
Material: softcover
Dimensions: 12 × 18 cm