Interview #555 “BILLIE”
Interview #555 “BILLIE”
Interview #555 “BILLIE”
Interview #555 “BILLIE”
Interview #555 “BILLIE”
Interview #555 “BILLIE”
Interview #555 “BILLIE”
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Interview #555 “BILLIE”


Launched in 1969 by Andy Warhol, the magazine, nicknamed ‘The Crystal Ball of Pop’, features interviews with celebrities, artists, musicians, and creative thinkers. Its trademark is the celebrity-interviews-celebrity Q&A, matched with brilliant photography, and in embracing this format the current creative team have taken it right back to it roots as an Instagramzine.

On the cover of issue #555 and for Summer 2024, it’s BILLIE! That’s Billie Eilish to you and me. Showing off her fangs under a decidedly brat-green Interview logo, editor-in-chief Mel Ottenberg spotted the ‘BIGGEST FUCKING STAR’ outside of a Calvin Klein show way back when in 2018 and in the next Interview editorial meeting told his team, ‘Guys, we need to put Billie in the magazine – she’s GONNA BE HUGE.’

Publisher: Crystan Ball Media
Pages: 144
Material: softcover
ISBN: 745314637169
Categories: , ,
Dimensions: 26.5 × 41.5 cm