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Instructional Photography: Learning How to Live Now
€ 15.00
Instructional Photography: Learning How to Live Now is a timely visual essay by artist and writer Carmen Winant. An investigation of a genre of photographs Winant calls ‘instructional’, it asks: can photographs teach, in and of themselves? If so, how might we look to them to demonstrate new possibilities, from social organising to self-actualisation?
Alternating between found images and text-based observations, Winant delves into this new category of images through her own collection. Winant queries how each image behaves as a small mirror, arguing for the primacy of photographs to instruct and impart both technical and ontological knowledge.
Author Carmen Winant
Publisher SPBH Editions
Pages: 120
Material: softcover
ISBN: 9781916041240
Categories: critical theory/writing, art, photography
Dimensions: 10 × 14.8 cm
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