Guido Kaia: Hidden Identities
Guido Kaia: Hidden Identities
Guido Kaia: Hidden Identities
Guido Kaia: Hidden Identities
Guido Kaia: Hidden Identities
Guido Kaia: Hidden Identities
Guido Kaia: Hidden Identities
Guido Kaia: Hidden Identities
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Guido Kaia: Hidden Identities


The new IDEA book is Hidden Identities by Guido Palau and Kaia Gerber. It is the perfect surprise. No one was expecting it. No one knows it’s coming. The book wasn’t created for a campaign, there is no brand attached and no marketing plan. The images were made purely out of Guido and Kaia’s shared creativity. They wanted to shoot them. They did it. And then they made a book!

Author: Guido Palau & Kaia Gerber
Publisher: IDEA
Pages: 156
Material: softcover
Categories: ,
Dimensions: 16 × 30 cm