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DOMa 6
€ 25.00 € 18.00
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In issue 06, Bak Gordon Arquitectos present ‘Three Houses’ as a project on making houses in three different contexts: city – suburbs – countryside. 6A Architects analyse ‘A2_B2 Greenwich Design District’ via the terms: context, twins, commercial construction, efficiency and pop warehouses. KAAN Architecten unravel a twenty-yearlong process of designing and constructing the ‘Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp’. Estudio Herreros open up their archive of ‘EspacioSOLO’, including files and folders from different stages of the project. Brandlhuber+ alter the perception of two existing towers, renamed ‘San Gimignano Lichtenberg’, with little effort and intervention.
Author DOMa
Publisher DOMA.ARCHI
Pages: 172
Material: softcover
Categories: architecture/interiors, greek publisher
Dimensions: 23 × 30 cm
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