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Designerly Ways of Knowing: A Working Inventory of Things a Designer Should Know
€ 14.00
In 2018, the architect and activist Michael Sorkin published the now beloved essay-list “Two Hundred and Fifty Things an Architect Should Know.” Struck by the compelling form of this text, Danah Abdulla compiled a version for designers―”a list based on a search for knowledge and a designer’s commitment to making the world a better place,” as she writes. Abdulla’s list includes the experience of scents; how critical theory does not account for the colonial experience; the dangers of seeking out simplicity; visual pollution; and how certain emblems and symbols make people feel. It is meant to be approached as a series of prompts to consider, discard or spark a conversation.
Author Danah Abdulla
Publisher Set Margins'
Material: softcover
ISBN: 9789083449883
Categories: critical theory/writing, design
Dimensions: 10.6 × 17 cm
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