Contemplations of a Collector: Irini Pari in Conversation with Dimitris Daskalopoulos

Contemplations of a Collector: Irini Pari in Conversation with Dimitris Daskalopoulos


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The book is a dialogue about art and life between two partners and art lovers: collector Dimitris Daskalopoulos and Irini Pari. Starting from the D.Daskalopoulos Collection – about a hundred works of contemporary art by international artists from the past 40 years – the collector and his partner discuss the freedoms and limitations of collecting art, share the lure of artistic creativity, and take us on a contemplative journey through the existential mystery of life, as it is depicted in the artworks of the collection.

The idea for this book began with a conversation regarding the works of the Collection. Conversations dating back three years, gathered in notes, transcriptions, and recordings, have resulted in a structured text divided into thematic chapters.

Publisher Cahiers d'Art
Pages: 300
Material: hardcover
ISBN: 9782851173317
Dimensions: 21 × 29 cm