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Architectures of Healing: Cure through sleep, touch, and travel
€ 12.00
Today, many feel fettered by insomnia, untouchability, and restrictions on movement. Looking for a more holistic approach to bodily and mental health, this book explores architectures and elementary forms of care and healing in different time periods: from the powers of sleep, touch, and travel in Asklepieia, the ancient healing temples for divine dream encounters alleviating the pain of the ailing pilgrim; to the attentiveness carried through the healing touch from the establishment of Byzantine hospitals till our times; to a pilgrimage center in modern-day Lesbos on a personal search for healing from the traumas of war and patriarchy; to the liberating and self-preserving powers of sleep as a healing response to past and current systems of oppression.
Author David Berge et al
Publisher Kyklada Press
Pages: 96
Material: softcover
ISBN: 9789464202854
Categories: architecture/interiors, critical theory/writing, greece, greek publisher, science/technology
Dimensions: 10.2 × 16.2 cm
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