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Against Ageism: A Queer Manifesto: Book Launch & Discussion

On Thursday 13 February, 8:00pm Hyper Hypo and Self Publish Be Happy invite you to a book launch and discussion for Against Ageism: A Queer Manifesto by Simon(e) van Saarloos.


Against Ageism: A Queer Manifesto starts with what it is not: a socio-economic argument against ageism, celebrating the ‘elderly’ as economically viable. Instead, Simon(e) van Saarloos presents a radical critique of conventional arguments against ageism, rejecting constructs of ‘age’ and ‘youth’ and assumptions of their inherent qualities.


Drawing from personal experience, the manifesto offers a reckoning with how ageism overlaps with structures of white supremacy and patriarchy. Through the lens of crip and queer theory, as well as anti-carceral and anti-colonial perspectives on time, this piercing text provocatively calls for the abolition of age-related laws, reframing commonly held understandings about age from van Saarloos’s defiant perspective.


Simon(e) van Saarloos is a writer and curator. They are the author of Take ‘Em Down: Scattered Monuments and Queer Forgetting (Publication Studio, 2021) and Playing Monogamy (Publication Studio, 2019), and, in Dutch, Enz. Het Wildersproces (Atlas Contact, 2018) and De vrouw die (Nijgh & Van Ditmar, 2016). They also write fiction and theater.


The author will be here to discuss their work in conversation with Andreas Angelidakis (artist, writer, curator, architect and father of Lupo) and Vassilia Kaga (curator/performer and daddy of cyber doggi).


Join us next Thursday at 8pm, downstairs at Hyper Hypo, for what promises to be a very thought provoking discussion on a topic that affects (or will affect) us all.


The presentation will be held in English.