Callas: Images of a Legend
Callas: Images of a Legend
Callas: Images of a Legend
Callas: Images of a Legend
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Callas: Images of a Legend


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This special edition brings together photographs of Callas’ legendary stage appearances, portraits, snapshots, press and private photographs. It can be viewed as an iconography of Callas, a unique phenomenon who was both a musical genius as well as a jet set personality – thirty years after her death, the fascination with Maria Callas (1923-1977) has become a personality cult. This is not a biography in the usual sense, but rather a psychological study of an extraordinary artist and of her dealings with the vagaries of publicity. The accompanying text deals on the one hand with the virtuosity of the “Voice of the Century” and, on the other hand, with the cult figure photographs. These images have been taken by both well-known and unknown photographers and have been selected from all stages of her life and from all over the world – thus making this volume a unique documentation of the Callas legend.

Author: Attila Csampai
Publisher: Schirmer / Mosel
Pages: 272
Material: hardcover
ISBN: 9783829609975
Categories: ,
Dimensions: 19.5 × 27.5 cm